Hier erfährst du von Klient*innen ihre persönlichen Erlebnisse. Lassen Sie sich von ihren Geschichten inspirieren und entdecken Sie die Chancen zur Transformation sowie die intensive Reise zu Selbsterkenntnis und Heilung, die vor Ihnen liegt.

Ich bin so dankbar für die Sitzung mit Frank, die ein sehr wichtiges Thema in meinem Leben hervorgehoben, erforscht und geheilt hat. Seit der Sitzung fühle ich mich stärker, widerstandsfähiger und unabhängiger. Franks Präsenz und Führung schaffen einen sicheren Raum, der es dir ermöglicht, tief in dich selbst einzutauchen. Dies ist eine großartige Methode für eine schnelle und dauerhafte Veränderung. Danke, Frank.
Ula, Polen

Meine Sitzung mit Frank ging viel tiefer, als ich erwartet hatte. Sie enthüllte die Ursache der Entfremdung in meiner Vaterwunde und erklärte, warum ich Schwierigkeiten hatte, für mich selbst da zu sein. Frank leitete mich mit einer sanften und mitfühlenden Hand durch die Sitzung und schuf einen sicheren Raum, der meiner Vaterwunde eine zusätzliche Heilungsebene hinzufügte. Ich bin unglaublich dankbar für das wertvolle Puzzleteil, das mir diese Sitzung geboten hat. Vielen Dank!
Lisa, Netherlands

Frank, your extraordinary gift of giving has profoundly impacted me. In my 36 years of journeying through deep, painful places, nothing has touched me quite like your approach. The depth of change you've facilitated is beyond words – it's a profound 'wow' and a heartfelt 'thank you.' I am immensely grateful for your kindness and generosity; you've dedicated hours and days selflessly to aid in my healing. This rare opportunity to work with you has been a blessing. Meeting and knowing you has been a transformative experience, powerfully energetic, especially after confronting such excruciating pain. Thank you, truly.
Chandra, United States

After starting Family Constellation therapy with Frank, I've experienced significant relief and embarked on a healing journey. Frank's empathetic coaching helped me overcome anxiety and self-destructive patterns, fostering self-kindness and inner child nurturing. My self-relations and external relationships have greatly improved, leading to positive life changes. Daily, I grow in self-trust and recommend Frank for his expertise, kindness, and unwavering support. I'm deeply thankful to Frank for his transformative impact on my life.
Niharika, India

At first I asked myself if I could afford to let Frank coach me. The questions has changed after the first session to the point that I am asking myself if I can (want) to afford not to do it.
Each session has led me to profound insights and I am infinitely grateful that Frank is there to help me implement it in "Real Life".
Deborah, Germany

I am very grateful for the family constellation session with Frank. I felt so safe that I was surprised how easily I could connect with my emotions during the session. I felt a huge relief on the topic after. I have done constellation work before and I love it, but this was my best experience so far: Frank is amazing in holding a heart-centered, non judgemental space.This was the key for me that made the experience so much deeper
Cecile, Germany

Family Constellation sessions with Frank are highly recommended - I found that it gave me a hidden insight into the way my dynamics functioned during my childhood and how that affected my career and relationships during adult life. Very interesting psychoanalytical and spiritual tool for growth.
Floyd, India

It's difficult to put into words the depth of this experience. Frank is an amazing facilitator who will guide you with kindness and understanding. He knows how to make you feel comfortable and secure throughout the entire process. I highly recommend attending this workshop and simply letting the magic happen. It's a very deep and beautiful experience. Namaste.
- Céline, French

Frank exudes a kind and calm Facilitator that immediately puts one at ease and helps one to become safely vulnerable. He communicates with minimal words and allows space for the work to do the work, for the somatic experience to truly unravel as it wants to. As a participant i felt heard, seen and understood. I highly recommend working with Frank to bring powerful shifts in your inner - work journey in a manner that is gentle and secure. Thank you Frank for holding the space with such love, faith and integrity.
Anvita, Israel

The Constellation Day was very insightful and helpful in many ways. It helped to shed light on issues that are at the root of my current problems. It was also interesting to see how themes in other participants' constellations partially resembled my own. This is such a magical modality, revealing deeply rooted patterns. Frank is an excellent facilitator, and I am very grateful for this opportunity to dig deeper into my subconscious.
- Eva, Poland

This is a powerful tool if you get stuck with yourself, since many challenges have their roots in our families. It was my first workshop, but I was surprised to feel other people and to see how we find the truth together. Despite the heavy topics it was even fun and I really liked the energy of Frank and how he guides us. Since the workshop I am feeling a general change inside, such as lighter and more alive.
- Samuel, Germany

I highly recommend joining a Family Constellation facilitated by Frank. His dedicated attention and support makes it special experience and brings you beyond your habitual thinking patterns and believes
- Julia, Finland

The constellation with Frank helped me realise and accept some things about my past and the past of my family that are affecting my ability to love and to be open to love now. I would recommend this session to anyone, it is very healing and many things adjust in a energetic, mental and emotional level of our lives. It's very powerful and touching. Thank you Frank for holding the space for my vulnerability with such care and attention.
- Svea, Italy

Doing my first constellation with Frank was a real gift. I immediately felt secure, a place where I could genuinely work on myself without any discomfort. It is unbelievable how accurate he was in guiding the session. He truly is a mindful person, and I felt grateful for choosing him to discover this beautiful way of diving into my roots, speaking with my ancestors, and seeing myself more clearly.
- Rébecca, United States

My first meeting with Frank was also my initial experience with family constellation therapy. We were in a small group, and my only thought was 'how can I escape from this place?' I felt so uneasy and completely out of place. Shortly after, I contacted him again to express that I do not fare well in group settings. Frank kindly suggested a one-on-one constellation session. I was very skeptical but agreed to proceed. And wow, it worked perfectly well! Frank does a wonderful job. He's compassionate and leads you slowly but effectively. He is a good person with a true gift.
- Els, Israel