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Victim- Perpetrator- Rescuer

Overcome The Victim-Perpetrator-Rescuer-Triangle


In this course, we dive deeply into the Victim-Perpetrator-Rescuer triangle across five chapters. Together, we’ll explore the roots of the Victim-Perpetrator dynamic, the psychology of victimhood, and why we often feel drawn to help the perpetrator, as well as the impact of doing so. We’ll go even further, examining the influence of collective and family energies within this dynamic and understanding what happens from the perspective of Family Constellation work. After each chapter, you’ll receive guided journaling exercises designed to help you reflect on what you’ve learned, uncover unconscious patterns, and work towards releasing them. This process encourages you to look within and integrate new insights into your everyday life. The course concludes with two meditations to further support your healing journey. In the first meditation, you’ll face a person who still holds influence over your present life, while in the second, you’ll work with a challenging daily situation, using an inner-child meditation to foster integration and self-compassion. I invite you to take your time with each chapter and approach the exercises mindfully. The deeper you engage with these themes, the more you can release old patterns and move towards a place of healing. Enjoy this transformative journey—I’m here to support you every step of the way!

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